Diving is much easier than you might think! Be ready to enjoy the new challenge and dive into a new world! A competent, well trained SSI Dive Leader will teach you everything you need to know. Under their guidance you will learn all required skills and become completely comfortable with the equipment you’re using during your first underwater adventure. We’re sure – once you’ve tried it you’ll love it Your Try Scuba certification card will be your first step. Achieve your Open Water Diver certification within the following six months and your Try Scuba open water dive will be recognized as one of the required dives.
Scuba Diver is the perfect course for those who do not have time to complete an entire Open Water Diver Program. The content of this program represents about half of a complete scuba diving certification program (SSI Open Water Diver). You can then complete the second half and become a certified diver at another time, anywhere that is convenient for you. This certificate entitles you to take part in dives under the direct supervision of a Dive Professional up to a maximum depth of 12 meters/40 feet all over the world. When you decide to complete your Open Water Diver certification, the Scuba Diver Program can be fully credited to your training. This way you will not have to redo any part of the program twice. After a short skill update you can complete your Open Water Diver rating.
Becoming an SSI Open Water Diver is the best way to start your scuba adventure due to worldwide recognition! With personalized training and taking enough time, we make sure you are truly comfortable under water with the skills and equipment you will use. After successful completion of your open water training dives you will become a Certified Diver. The SSI Open Water Diver certification is recognized worldwide so your diving experiences will be limitless.
SSI’s Advanced Adventurer program was created so you can try out a variety of specialty courses before you commit to completing a full course. It’s a great way to experience what advanced training is all about and how valuable it can be to your diving adventures. During the Advanced Adventurer Program you will have the chance to try out 5 different specialties. You will complete one open water training dive per specialty and if you decide to take a full course in any of the specialties you tried, the dive you took can be applied to your advanced certification.
SSI’s Advanced Diver rating stands alone in the industry with the highest combination of diving knowledge and experience. No other agency’s advanced diver level compares.To earn the certification for Advanced Open Water Diver, you must complete 4 specialty courses and have done a total of 24 dives.
To become an advanced open water diver. If you have one speciality, do 3 more and get your certification for free! Wreck Dive, Night and Deep in 5 dives. Equipment included. Theory online!
Are you in love of dive? Do you want to have a diving vacation? Take a package of 15 dives and take your certification nitrox for free! Dive nitrox for free whole your week and have the best experience ever with diving!
If you want to get the best from your dive package, this is a awsome challenge you dont wont to miss! Take 2 specialities (between,nitrox,wreck,night,drift,navigation and more) and become a specialist diver for free!